台北市爬爬走 - 3.3 士林夜市 Night Market

這便是最大的最齊的著名夜市 - 士林。

 Here comes the famous Night Market, was said to be the biggest and with everything you would like to find - to eat and to buy.
However, with some news reports, it is also believed to be the one that is relatively more expensive, especially for those who are not Chinese.

但在這裡我們還是找到了為人喜愛的鹽燒帝王螺 - 

But it doesn't stop my interest in having some more food from The Top, but I found this best clam skewer I could ever find in Taiwan, and even Japan. The great size and taste.



中國珠海橫琴 - 2.7 海洋世界 橫琴海

桃園森林 - 1.1 中壢市區 Chongli

柔情沙巴 - 2.4 神山索道 Via Ferrata -

東北飛雪《冬》 {#14 乳頭溫泉 - Nyuto onsen} ~ 鶴之湯 本陣 ~

東北飛雪《冬》 {#10 羽黑山 - Hagurosan} ~随神門 • 神橋 • 國寶羽黒山五重塔 • 一之坂 ~