台北市爬爬走 - 1.0 松山文化創意園區 Songshan Cultural and Creative Park


Every time I come to Taiwan, 
there will be chances for me to come to the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park again and again...

Not only for appreciating the old industrial architecture and settings,
but also the always on-going events and exhibition they hold in here.



I really love the interior revitalization of the old industrial building.

The toilet kinda attracts my attention as well,
simply like a Japanese one.



中國珠海橫琴 - 2.7 海洋世界 橫琴海

桃園森林 - 1.1 中壢市區 Chongli

柔情沙巴 - 2.4 神山索道 Via Ferrata -

東北飛雪《冬》 {#14 乳頭溫泉 - Nyuto onsen} ~ 鶴之湯 本陣 ~

東北飛雪《冬》 {#10 羽黑山 - Hagurosan} ~随神門 • 神橋 • 國寶羽黒山五重塔 • 一之坂 ~